Myopia Control: What Is It And How Can It Help Your Children And Grandchildren

Myopia is another name for nearsightedness.  As nearsighted children grow, their eyes grow longer, and it is common for their glasses prescription to get worse year after year. Myopia Control (AKA Myopia Management) is a treatment approach that can slow or stop the progression of nearsightedness in children.

The doctors at Rainier Eye have over 24 years of cumulative experience at helping children through myopia control.  Myopia control is not a cure, but by slowing its progression we can keep children from developing debilitating high levels of myopia and associated sight-threatening problems later in life.

If your child wears glasses or contacts for nearsightedness and you want to know what options exist to help them, please call our office or schedule an appointment online with Dr. Angela Loeb or Dr. Mary Ferris. We want to help them see their best!

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